Sunday 16 February 2014

Mirror mirror on the wall, can I be more beautiful with Fairy Whitez?

As salam and Hello Beauties! :)

Sapa kat sini rasa putih tu cantik ta kisah lr ada jerawat atau ta kisah pon putih ke tidak asalkan tidak berjerawat? Heheheh Tapi rasanya lebih better kan tade jerawat dan berkulit putih? Impian semua perempuan kot. Lelaki pon rasa camtu apatah lagi kita yang lemah ne.. Hehehe

From now on worries no more!


Have you ever heard about it? Or did you ever tried it out?
Of course I had! It was the best solution ever! I'm so happy after all. Thank you so much Mabel Yan for choosing me as 1 of the blogger to review about it. Thank you so much to for Hishop as the sponsor to let me tried it out. 

Before I go more further about the greatest about this product, I would like to let you all know about my skin's problem. Or you all can call it as World War Z phenomenon.

Pimples everywhere, Sunburn and futhermore lr. Biasa teenager kan. Of course lr ta terlepas dari gejala-gejala tu semua. Jeles weyh tengok member rapat muka halus mulus tulus. Aku rasa na siat-siat je kulit dia g tampal kat kulit aku. Hahahaha *ok ne da tahap physcho da ne.  

  1. You need to shake shake shake it up.
  2. Bukak penutup botol tu dan bukak dengan bangganya.
  3. Ambil penebuk lubang yang telah disediakan dalam kotak fairybeauty tu then korang tebuk right on the center okay.
  4. Cepat-cepat ambil straw then cucuk dan minum sampai habis :)
Malas I na cakap banyak-banyak ne takut korang ta percaya kan teruskan baca k :)

Bukan I na cakap apa lr ta rugi korang na try benda ne k. Korang kenal sapa Sherry Ibrahim? Amacam cantik ta dia? Haa dia minum ne lr. Lagi satu Hishop memang tengah panas la ne buat promosi beli 2 kotak korang akan dapat free 4 bottles. Sementara stok masih panas come on serbu!

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*With minimum purchase of RM99, valid till 28 February 2014

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